mercredi 28 juin 2017

A natural talent aptitude or ability bent

A natural talent aptitude or ability bent

Aptitude, bent, capacity, gift, inclination, natural ability, natural talent, talent. Talent Definition of Talent by Merriam-Webster gift, faculty, aptitude, bent, talent, genius, knack mean a special ability for doing something. Flair Define Flair at m Flair definition, a natural talent, aptitude, or ability bent knack: a flair for rhyming. Talent - definition of talent by The Free Dictionary 1. 1.a characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or.

A special, often creative natural ability or aptitude: a talent for drawing. Meaning special natural ability, aptitude, developed mid-14c., from the parable of the talents in Matt. Gift, faculty, aptitude, bent, talent, genius, knack mean a special ability for doing something.

Aptitude Definition of Aptitude by Merriam-Webster

Knack Synonyms, Knack Antonyms m noun ability, talent. Aptitude Definition of Aptitude by Merriam-Webster a natural ability to do something or to learn something. Natural talent (5) FLAIR Natural talent (4) BENT Not straight (4) BENT Like some ears and rules (4) BENT Natural ability (5) FLAIR Natural aptitude (5). Hang, knack, bent - a special way of doing something he had a bent for it he had a. Gift often implies special favor by God or nature the gift of singing.

Crossword Puzzle Natural talent - Answer: possible to Natural talent. Natural talent : definition of natural talent and synonyms of natural. NATURAL TALENT - crossword , clues, definition.

Talent Synonyms, Talent Antonyms m Synonyms for talent at m with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Smartness of style, manner, etc.:Their window display has absolutely no flair at all. Flair - m Dictionary of English a natural talent, aptitude, or ability bent knack:a flair for writing rhymes.

Talent - definition of talent by The Free Dictionary

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